Uncategorized New Features of Snowflake: Dynamic Tables and Why to Use Them Snowflake stores data in database tables that are logically structured with rows and columns. We…Aleksandra MolendaGennaio 25, 2024
Uncategorized How to write cleaner SQL queries In the world of database management, crafting efficient and readable SQL queries is an essential…DominiqueGennaio 19, 2024
DatabaseSnowdaySnowflake Snowflake Hybrid Tables Hybrid Tables in Snowflake are a new type of table that can support transactional workloads.…Luca BalduzziNovembre 10, 2023
SecuritySnowflake Snowflake Data Access Policies Snowflake’s features and capabilities enable you to manage, protect, and share your data securely and…Luca BalduzziOttobre 26, 2023
Uncategorized Understanding data normalization: the Burger Bliss restaurant Photo by Mike on Unsplash To begin with, what is data normalization? Simply put, it's…Darko Monzio CompagnoniSettembre 29, 2023
DataData LoadDatabasePipesSnowflakeSQL Snowflake Snowpipe In the previous chapters of this series, we have seen how to load through staging…Mario CaliseAprile 25, 2023
DataData LoadDatabaseSnowflakeSQLUncategorized Two ways to populate a table with stage data MATCH_BY_COLUMN_NAME vs Variant data type I found myself having to insert files from my device…Niccolo RacioppiAprile 7, 2023
DataData GenerationDatabaseSnowflake Unload data from your Snowflake account We have previously seen how to load data from foreign sources to your Snowflake account…Mario CaliseMarzo 22, 2023
DatabaseSnowflake Interactive results in Snowsight When we run a query we would like to have a quick overview of the…Niccolo RacioppiMarzo 22, 2023
AcademyData LoadDatabaseSnowflake Load data on your Snowflake account In the previous chapter we have talked about Snowflake stages. It is now clear that…Mario CaliseMarzo 21, 2023