Uncategorized New Features of Snowflake: Dynamic Tables and Why to Use Them Snowflake stores data in database tables that are logically structured with rows and columns. We…Aleksandra MolendaGennaio 25, 2024
Uncategorized What makes Snowflake SQL outstanding from other DBMS SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a cornerstone of data management, widely used for interacting…Feruz KholovGennaio 19, 2024
Uncategorized Beyond Warehousing: Snowflake’s Leap into AI and LLMs For the last few years, Snowflake has position itself in the data world with its…Oscar TrilloGennaio 19, 2024
Uncategorized Transforming Digital Marketing: The Power of WordPress and Snowflake Integration In the dynamic world of digital marketing, the integration of robust content management with advanced…Darko Monzio CompagnoniDicembre 8, 2023
Uncategorized How To Demo Snowflake Here, at Nimbus Intelligence, we use Snowflake everyday — whether it be on its own…Guillermo IzquierdoDicembre 1, 2023
dbtJinjaSQLUncategorized Macros in dbt Macros in dbt are reusable pieces of code that ensure that the code is ‘DRY’…Luca BalduzziDicembre 1, 2023
Data LoadJSONSnowflakeSQLUnstructured Data Killing JSON: Using Flatten to Load JSON Data Welcome back to Killing JSON, the series in which I channel my frustration with loading…Edoardo DraettaNovembre 17, 2023
JSONSnowflakeUnstructured Data Killing JSON: The Flatten Function Welcome to Killing JSON, a series in which I channel my frustration with loading data…Edoardo DraettaNovembre 10, 2023
DatabaseSnowdaySnowflake Snowflake Hybrid Tables Hybrid Tables in Snowflake are a new type of table that can support transactional workloads.…Luca BalduzziNovembre 10, 2023
SnowdaySnowflake My First Snowday: Notebooks, ML, and AI Snowflake hopes to ride the AI wave AI is booming, and Snowflake doesn’t want to…Edoardo DraettaNovembre 3, 2023