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Co-Auteur: Mario Calise

  • Mario Calise
    : Author

    He was born in Cosenza (Italy); he has already lived in 7 different cities throughout his life and he counts on adding more to the list! Educated as an engineer (BSc in Engineering Physics – Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy; MSc in Space Research - DTU, Copenhagen, Denmark), Mario is an aspiring person who enjoys developing new solutions to solve tech-related problems. He has strong technical skills and an academic background that covers statistics, mathematical methods, data management and modelling. He also possesses good knowledge on programming with different languages and environments (VisualStudio, Snowflake, Matlab, Python, R, C#, SQL and HTML). He joined the Nimbus Intelligence Academy as his professional goal is to work with data and predictive models to support decision-making and process improvement in the industry.

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